Group of officers of PSA “SHIELD” successfully passed the course in Kuban methodical center on transport safety.
Personnels’ Comments.
Ruslan Dyshechev:
– We already have the experience on transportation facility These are the bus station and the bus terminal in Maykop. On the training courses I and my colleagues have consolidated their knowledge and skills in training exercises, which were held on the territory of Krasnodar airport. All the staff have received high marks.
“Shield” was at the top on of defense of the country
Be a real man, it means to be able to protect themselves and those who are around in an extreme situation. Officers of Private security agency “Shield” are ready to repel any attack of malefactors. This is their work, their daily routine. And even they feast, they are on duty.
February 23, 2016 in Maykop at 09.30 p.m. at the corner of streets Gogol and Krestiyanskaya, the vehicle of IRG crew (Immediate Reaction Group) of LLC Private security agency “Shield” was subjected to the threat of heat. An inadequate man tried to attack officers of PSA “SHIELD” with threating of heat. As a result, the offender was disarmed, detained and passed to the police officers of the Ministry of Internal affairs of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Adygheya.
Cohesion and courage of actions of the officers of “Shield” are elements of their qualification.
Inter-regional operations
Since March 2015 the staff of PSA “SHIELD” (Unit “Group of realization of security operations”/Unit GRSO) carried out important tasks in the Republic of Crimea on the values of the protection in high-risk situations. Officers who have a high level of professional skills and impeccable reputation of the service are selected to the unit GRSO (the group of realization of security operations).
Personnels’ comments:
Iliya Dontsov:
– Work on security values is required a high level of professional training and special skills.
– It is know when to perform such complex tasks.
– Additional training is very important!
– Plus emotions which are received from work!
– You communicate with different people.
– And, of course, get acquainted with the peculiarities of the neighboring region and the mentality of its inhabitants.

Aleksei Chernikov:
– There are a lot of pleasant impressions together with difficult work.
– It is gone actively on vacation to the Crimea. And celebrities are too.
So, it is possible to see them and take photo for memory.
(Photo with Mikhail Porechenkov, an actor and a producer)