- Consultation
- Security of values
- Security of objects and property
- Protection of life and health
- Pass control on-site
- Transport security
- Security monitoring service
- Peacekeeping in places of mass events
Private security agency "Shield" provides a complex of modern services for the armed protection and security. The main activity is execution of orders on close-in security, the safeguard of property and all types of property, including conditions of high-risk. We provide services for the transport security. We will be able to protect you in situations in which the majority will refuse to help you. In our work we use the combat experience gained by many of us at the time of military service in flash points and experience in defense and law enforcement agencies.
Our team guides these principals. Progresses in security activities of PSA "SHIELD" with a complex operational situation allowed to occupy firmly their position in the market of security services. We work closely with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Adygheya, with all defense and law enforcement and security agencies, private military companies and other security organizations, both within the region and beyond.
We perform all obligations to our customers during 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. People turn to us, trust the most valuable, recommend to friends. This is the best estimate of the work and qualified of our team. And we are proud of it!
The legality of the activities of PSA "SHIELD" confirmed by license number 58 issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Adygheya.
PSA “Shield” is:
- Member of the Association of veterans of anti-terror unit "Alfa - Krasnodar";
- Cooperating with the Company of the military consulting "RSC-group" (link: rsb-group.ru)
- and the International Association of Bodyguards (UK) (link: ibabodyguards.com)
PSA "SHIELD" offers a flexible pricing policy, based on the conditions of the specific situation of the Customer. Prices for technical equipment are available.
Insurance guarantee
Qualified activities of agency “Shield" are insured. Our customers can be sure that in the event of any material damage of the protected object, questions of its reimbursement issues are resolved as soon as possible.