For candidates applied multi-stage system of study, selection and control, including the usage of psychological testing and a polygraph test (lie detector). Personnel training is carried out under the program of internal service training, with the formation of a number of specialized skills needed for secure of interests of our clients, either in normal life and in abnormal, critical situations.
PSA “Shield” reaches high achievements due to, first of all, the most advanced technologies. One of them is the management technology.
In opposition to other management systems (Fig. №1), the position in concentric circles suggests total area of professional interest. This zone is a basic, as all officers, regardless of rank, have a high level of training, each in his own specialization.

High psychological motivation caused by common professional interests, builds a service hierarchy. Chain of command ranges in strict accordance with the professional level, merit and respect in the team. (Fig. №2)

This management system duplicates adopted system in military units. It is corresponded to the position:
1. Security guard – a common soldier;
2. Security shift supervisor – sergeant, section leader;
3. Inspector – officer, platoon commander;
4. Chief Inspector – Senior Officer, Deputy Chief of Staff of a separate unit;
5. Chief security officer – senior officer, Chief of Staff (company commander) of a separate unit;
6. Deputy head – senior officer, deputy commander of a separate unit;
7. The Head – senior officer, commander of a separate unit.
Personnel classification is necessary for an objective assessment of the level of service. This is an extremely important condition for promoting professional growth. It looks schematically as follows – fig.№3.

Figure 3
What is the polygraph?
What are the problems still can be solved with the help of a polygraph?
In world practice the examination with using of polygraph (EUP) is used to solve the problems of the two classes.